Aviation Infrastructure

TAAL Aerodrome is positioned as a key facility supporting regional aviation, with infrastructure tailored to  both narrow body aircraft and business jets. The runway is designed to accommodate a variety of aircraft types, with adequate length and strength for both light and medium-sized planes.

Taxiways are strategically laid out to minimise congestion and facilitate smooth transitions between runways and hangars. Updated lighting and signage are in place to aid pilot navigation, especially during low visibility conditions.

Taneja is also equipped with essential amenities, including security screening and baggage handling areas. And there are dedicated spaces for private and charter flights parking.

Taneja houses MRO facilities that cater to routine maintenance and inspections – supporting both local and visiting aircraft.

Taneja‘s ATC is equipped with all visual navigational aids for VFR day flights, and two-way communication to the aircraft, through the allotted VHF bandwidth to give clearance for landing and take-off.

TAAL, equipped with 4 industry specific Hangars.


Hangar specifications:

Hangar 1: 80 meters x 80 meters
Hangar 2: 50 meters x 60 meters
Hangar 3: 30 meters x 70 meters
Hangar 4: 15 meters x 20 meters


These hangars are specifically designed to accommodate MRO for a range of narrow-body aircraft and helicopters, including ATR 42, ATR 72, Airbus A318,  A319, A320, A321, Boeing 737.

Future Plans

There are plans to facilitate more hangars for MRO services, to enhance operational efficiency and attract more operators.

Assessments are also being conducted to determine the need for runway extensions and additional taxiways, to accommodate growing traffic.

Finally, there is an emphasis on eco-friendly practices, including energy-efficient systems and green building standards for new facilities.

Aerodrome Location

Name of the Aerodrome

Hosur Aerodrome

Location of Aerodrome

226° / 8.94 kms from Hosur Railway Station.

ARP Co-ordinates & ARP site at Aerodrome

12° 39’ 46.62” N  /  077° 45’ 46.98” E

207° / 214 m from active ATC tower

Aerodrome Elevation

930 m (3050 ft) AMSL

Aerodrome Beacon

Location on top of ATC tower

Elevation of Rwy 09

(a) Displaced Threshold : 930 m

(b) Extremity : 931 m

Elevation of Rwy 27

(a) Displaced Threshold : 911 m

(b) Extremity : 910 m

Reference Temperature


ATC Tower Frequency

129.80 MHz

Runway Physical Characteristics



090° – 270°


09 – 27


Threshold 1858 x 45 m

Displaced Threshold

Rwy 09 – Nil. Rwy 27 – Threshold Displaced by 48 m.


1% Longitudinal, 1.5% Transverse



Type of Runway

Non Instrument (Visual)



Twy A – 350 x 18 m

Twy B – 160 x 23 m

Twy A1 – 150 x 11 m (Currently unserviceable)





Apron 1 – Concrete Pavers (70 x 25 m)

Apron 2 – Asphalt (110 x 90 m)

Apron 3 – Asphalt (90 x 80 m)

About MRO

TAAL is the only aviation company in the private sector with more than 240 acres of land, with a licensed airfield. It has a 7111 ft. long runway, aircraft hangars, adequate storage area and aircraft maintenance facilities for Cessna Citation 525A aircraft, under one roof since 1992.


TAAL is a DGCA-approved MRO under CAR 145 for maintenance and CAMO under CAR M subpart G for continuing airworthiness support for Cessna Citation 525A aircraft. TAAL is also a DGCA-approved design organisation under CAR21 Sub part JA to support P68 series aircraft, which is manufactured by TAAL.


The team here has been engaged in the maintenance of piston engines to Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore since 2021. And comprises of experienced and well-qualified aircraft maintenance engineers.


When it comes to equipment, TAAL has special tools, GSC for maintenance of aircraft and can offer support to third party customers. TAAL is equipped with aircraft jacks, hydraulic cart, IFR 4000, IFR 6000, air-data tester, compressor wash equipment, GPU and tow bars.

Avionics System Integration

The company has highly experienced, design and engineering personnel with more than three-thousand-man month experience.


A large number of systems integrations on the various types of fixed wing and Rotary aircrafts for Defense /Civil organizations have been successfully developed and incorporated on the series production.


The company has the strength to undertake major design to build projects on a competitive basis and successfully executed the modifications on KAMOV-31, SEAKING 42 B, IL -38, TU -142 M, CHETAK / CHEETHA, DORNIER, JAGUAR. And also having experience for air craft fire control system integration on SEAKING 42 B helicopters.

Why choose us

TAAL has an envious track record of producing and maintaining small to medium size aircraft. As an Indian company, TAAL has a deep understanding of the local market and the regulatory environment, which can be advantageous for businesses operating within India or looking to navigate the Indian aviation industry.


TAAL has a strong reputation in the industry for reliability and quality. This provides peace of mind and contributes to the smooth operation of the aviation business. 


TAAL invests in the latest technology and innovation in aerospace. Partnering with TAAL, gives the customer access to advance solutions and ways to improve aircraft performance and safety.